New! Rhythm and Blues Turned Taqueté Towels Weaving Pattern for 4 Harnesses

Four harness weavers, this one’s for you! Just listed in my Etsy shop, this pattern with drafts for three different variations of my straight draw Turned Taqueté weaving pattern. You get three WIFs plus a PDF instruction booklet. Click on the “Etsy” button on the right side of this post to go to my shop.

The same pattern for eight harnesses is coming soon.

Group portrait of Towels #1, #2, and #3:

New Turned Taqueté Design!

I’ve been working on a new pattern design for my Etsy shop (see right 🙂 ). And I thought towels would be awesome. And what better structure for towels than … Turned Taqueté (or Jin if you prefer)? This time I’m aiming for the 4 harness weavers and the 8 harness weavers. Yes, two patterns will be offered. Same design, but easily woven on either 4 or 8 harnesses. Cool, huh?

I wove these towels in 8/2 unmercerized cotton sett at 24 ends per inch. As you know, Turned Taqueté structure alternates dark and light threads to create the design. I used navy as the dark option, and a selection of blues and green for the light option.

This is Turned Taqeuté on a straight draw threading. Four harness weavers will thread the loom 1,2,3,4 all the way across, alternating dark and light threads. The pattern is created by changing the color order for each new block. The difference for eight harness weavers will be the ability to spread the threading over all available shafts.

I’ve started writing up the patterns (slowly). I’ll be announcing the patterns soon!

Digitally Speaking

Yesterday I launched a new direction for my weaving. I posted downloadable PDF directions and the WIF file for Turned Taqueté Circles Placemats in my Etsy shop. The pattern is written for 5/2 perle cotton with suggestions for two different color palettes, the Blues pictured above, and for Mid-Century Modern colors.

For literally years I have provided my Circles Turned Taquete Towels draft for free to folks who visit my blog, and I have been happy to do so. The time seemed to be right to take it on the road, so to speak, and get a little return on my investment. I published my towels pattern in the March/April 2019 issue of Handwoven Magazine. You might think that I made money on it from that publication. But you would be wrong. Handwoven was on the verge of bankruptcy at that point, and it went down without making good on many payments to their content providers, including me.

So. This is my way of getting a little bit back, and if you have enjoyed using my towels pattern, perhaps, you might be interested in purchasing my placemats pattern. My Etsy shop is linked on the right hand side of this blog entry.
